TRADITIONAL VERSALS Versal is a term coined in the 20th century that refers to a broad variety of both historic and contemporary majuscule letter forms. In early manuscripts these letters were often large, decorated in various colors, and used to designate the beginnings of verses- thus the origin of the name. The letters, comprised of compound strokes, are as much drawn as they are written. This traditional versals program focuses on the study of the classical versal letters that were characteristic of the 11th and 12th century Caroline manuscripts.The study presents an organized, step-by-step method of learning to make the letters that also includes a basic review of classical Roman letter form, proportion and spacing. Students should have prior calligraphic training. A knowledge of pen written Roman Capitals would be helpful, but is not required. Five Lessons. $325.00
HOW THE PROGRAMS WORK Participants complete the lessons at their own pace. There are no specific due dates; however, an individual course must be completed within two years of the subscription date. The lessons are sequential. Each lesson will require approximately 10 hours work. Completed lessons are sent by mail for comments which will be made within approximately one week.
MODERN VERSALS The 'versal' letters of 20th century calligraphy are characterized by their informality. They are sans-serif in form, however their structure still generally evolves from the classical traditional inscriptional letters. Subtle deviations from the classical models combined with their use in freer calligraphic compositions give the letters their distinction as modern letter forms. The lively capital letters in many works of Ann Hechle, Donald Jackson, and Suzanne Moore stand as excellent examples. This program will provide a step-by-step method of learning the letters as well as to explore ideas and themes related th their use as expressive modern calligraphy. The traditional versals program is an excellent foundation for this study. Otherwise, students should have had previous formal study of pen-made Roman capitals or traditional versals . Five Lessons. $325.00